+500 Happy Droplet Users

Protect Your Home From Costly Water Damage With Droplet

Instantly detect water leaks

Control your water from your phone

Save money and conserve water

Simple DIY install

Try Droplet Risk-free For 30 days, Money Back Guarantee.

Smartphone displaying water usage next to a 'droplet' branded device.


'Financial Times logo with initials 'FT' in a pink square.'Logo of The Guardian newspaper in black text.The image shows the word 'Benzinga' in bold, dark blue letters.A white dog with black spots looks up on a floor.'Kickstarter logo with bold green lettering on transparent background.''Financial Times logo with initials 'FT' in a pink square.'Logo of The Guardian newspaper in black text.The image shows the word 'Benzinga' in bold, dark blue letters.A white dog with black spots looks up on a floor.'Kickstarter logo with bold green lettering on transparent background.'
'Financial Times logo with initials 'FT' in a pink square.'Logo of The Guardian newspaper in black text.The image shows the word 'Benzinga' in bold, dark blue letters.A white dog with black spots looks up on a floor.'Kickstarter logo with bold green lettering on transparent background.''Financial Times logo with initials 'FT' in a pink square.'Logo of The Guardian newspaper in black text.The image shows the word 'Benzinga' in bold, dark blue letters.A white dog with black spots looks up on a floor.'Kickstarter logo with bold green lettering on transparent background.'

3 Reasons to Use Droplet

Water leaking through a cracked ceiling.

Prevent leaks

Prevent thousands of dollars from water damage and safeguard your property with the highest-precision water sensor for leak detection.

Person holding smartphone displaying water usage statistics on a marble countertop.

See where your water is going

Pinpoint the appliances using the most water and understand your water use. Advanced AI monitors your water patterns so you can track and view your habits easily.

Person installing a white smart device on a copper pipe.

Self-install in minutes

No tools or plumbers necessary. Simply plug Droplet in, clamp it to the main water valve and connect to the app to start tracking water and saving money.

What People Think About Dropet

How it’s done with Droplet

Instant Leak Alerts

Machine learning algorithms identify small hidden leaks, pipe bursts, and abnormal water usage, alerting you before costly water damage takes place.

Comprehensive Dashboard

Patented machine learning tracks your water household consumption from your phone, sharing detailed insights of your plumbing and water patterns.

See Where Your Water is Going

Pinpoint exactly where your water is going. Powerful ultrasonic sensors detect the flow patterns of toilets, showers and faucets, letting you see when, where, and how much water is being used.

What People Think About Droplet

How it’s done with Droplet

Instant Leak Alerts

Machine learning algorithms identify small hidden leaks, pipe bursts, and abnormal water usage, alerting you before costly water damage takes place.

Comprehensive Dashboard

Patent-pending machine learning tracks your household water consumption from your phone, sharing detailed insights of your plumbing and water patterns.

See Where Your Water is Going

Pinpoint exactly where your water is going. Powerful ultrasonic sensors detect the flow patterns of toilets, showers and faucets, letting you see when, where, and how much water is being used.

Why Monitor Your Water Usage?

Icon of a leaking pipe with a droplet.

An Average Leak Can Cost Homeowners $1,000–$4,000 in Repairs

A droplet icon with an exclamation mark, indicating water alert or warning.

Just One Inch of Water Can Cause $25,000 in Damage

Stylized dark blue American flag icon with dots and stripes.

14,000 US Homeowners Experience a Water Damage Emergency Daily

Install in 5 minutes

No tools or plumbers needed!

Simply plug Droplet in, clamp it on to your main water valve, connect to the app and you’re ready to start tracking water.

Our universal clamp means that Droplet can connect to almost any pipe size or type.

Install in 5 minutes

No tools or plumbers necessary. Simply plug Droplet in, clamp it to the main water valve and connect to the app to start tracking water and saving money.

How We Compare

Simple, DIY Install

Non-reliant on battery

High-precision readings

Real-time leak alerts

Universal clamp connection

Single device solution




+500 Happy Droplet Users


Smart Home Water Sensor

Droplet is an all-in-one smart water sensor that uses powerful ultrasonic sensors and AI to track your household water use.

Protect your home from water damage with instant leak alerts and get detailed insights into how each appliance in your home is using water.

Instant Leak Alerts

Real-Time Water Tracking

Powerful Precision

Easy Install

All-in-One Solution


Next batch shipping March 2025

Free Fast Shipping

30 days Money Back Guarantee

Currently shipping to the US only



How to Install

Shipping and Returns

Created by Industry Leaders

Our award-winning team is the cornerstone of Hydrific's innovative technology, crafting the future with expertise and vision to create positive change.

The designers and experts behind Droplet have a combined thirty year of experience in water hardware and have developed over 130 patents. They are also backed by the global reach and expertise of LIXIL a global maker of pioneering water and housing technologies.

Hydrific's vision extends beyond empowering consumers – it aims to change how we think about and use our water. Aligned with LIXIL's newly updated Impact Strategy, Hydrific will directly contribute to LIXIL’s broader Water Conservation and Environmental commitments.

Collage of people collaborating, showcasing Hydro surrounds and modern workspaces.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does Droplet work?

Do I need any equipment to install Droplet?

Can I use Droplet in an apartment or condo building?

Are batteries required to use Droplet?

What is the benefit of using Droplet?

Can Droplet detect outdoor water usage?